Garnåtgång: 800 gram. Fick bara en liten sudd på kanske 2 meter över när jag stickat klart!
Knappar: Träknappar köpta på Lerdalaboden i Jönköping. Jag ville ha släta, men det hade de inga så stora, så jag köpte med blommor på som jag vände bakochfram! Blev riktigt bra!
Ändringar: Jag har verkligen ändrat det här mönstret totalt! Jag trodde när jag först såg den här tröjan att den var stickad uppifrån och ner i ett stycke, men så var inte fallet, den var stickad i fem delar och ihopsydd! Det kunde jag så klart inte acceptera då den så uppenbart var som gjord för att stickas på rundsticka! Jag satte därför i gång och räkna!
Jag lade upp halsringningens maskor, stickade resåren och flätorna, samt gjorde raglanökningar på var sida om flätan på vartannat varv. När jag tyckte det var lagom lång resår så började jag med bubbelmönstret som inom parentes sagt drog enorma mängder garn! Sedan plockade jag bort maskorna för ärmarna, fortsatte sedan sticka neråt tills det var dags för den lilla volangen nedtill. Eftersom den är likadan åt båda hållen eller vad jag skall säga, så behövde jag inte göra några krångliga ändringar, utan kunde bara sticka på. Sedan var det ärmarnas tur, och nu är den klar.
Jag är enormt nöjd med denna tröja, men den är även enormt varm.... Hoppas att det blir en kall vinter!
I have been asked about how I made this pattern into a top- down one, and since the person who asked me is from the U.S.A, here is a description in english:
Okay, here is the description I promised you! It is fairly easy to do this, especially since all the patterns in this cardigan are “reversible”, I mean, they are knitted the same from both up and down… Hmmmm, English is not my language, so some things are not easy to explain – of there is something that you don´t understand, please let me know!
Here we go!
I started by measuring around my neck to see how wide I wanted the neckline, and making a ”test square” (I don´t know the English word!) to find my gauge.
After that I casted on 148 stitches on a circular needle:
14 frontband+ 14 left front+ 8 cabel+ 14 left shoulder,+ 8 cable + 34 back + 8 cable + 14 right shoulder + 8 cable+ 14 right front + 12 frontband (I made this one flat without the cable from the pattern since I wanted a flat surface for sewing on the buttons. This makes the front a bit more smooth when the cardigan is buttoned).
Then I started knitting according to pattern, cables and in between them I repeatedly knitted two and purled two stitches. I made buttonholes in the cable in the left frontband and the right frontband I knitted like this: purl 2, knit 6, purl 2, knit 2.
To make the raglan increases I made one extra stitch on each side of the four narrow cables on every other row = 8 new stitches on every other row. These new stitches followed pattern of k2, p2, (which is it, garter stitches or stockinette stitches? I don’t remember, but you know how I mean!)
I then continued knitting until the work measured about 12 cm, ant there I changed to the bubble pattern, but in all other aspects I continued as established with cables and increases.
When the work reached a couple of centimeters below my arm pit, I set aside the shoulder stitches and the four cable stitches on each side closest to them on scrap yarn, casted on 8 extra stitches under each arm and continued with the bubble pattern straight down. Since I tried it on regularly I found that sometimes I had to increase a couple of times around the hips. When you have finished this part of the cardigan you need to have a number of stitches that can be devided by 13 +an extra 2 ( not counting the frontbands)
When I found it long enough I changed to the finishing pattern (I don’t remember the names of the patterns anymore!)
Then I made the sleeves in the round with double pointed needles. (I used the stitches set aside on scrap yarn + picked up 8 in the extra ones I casted on, and made no more increases). The tricky thing here is that since you know knit in the round, not back and forth, you have to make every other row “backwards”. I don´t know how to explain this in English, but it means that the rounds that you used to purl you now have to knit. I guess you know what I mean, if not, let me know and I´ll try to describe it better!
And that is basically it!